What do I get?


How much beef is that?

Cuts of beef are based on specific parts of the animal. A side of beef contains numerous cuts such as steaks and roasts, as well as ground beef. If you choose to buy a quarter, we provide a mix of cuts from the front and the rear of the animal.

Based on a typical weight of 1,200 pounds for a whole animal, a quarter of beef, once dressed yields 120-140 pounds. There are several factors that play into the weight of each packaged quarter such as the size of the animal, its body shape, amount of fat, etc. We have chosen to work with a highly experienced butcher that assesses each critter to maximize the quality and yield of the cuts. The typical yield includes:

  • Steak: 20-25 pounds
  • Roasts: 30-35 pounds
  • Cubed Steak: 3-5 pounds
  • Short Ribs: 6-8 pounds
  • Ground Beef: 40-45 pounds
  • Kabob and Stir Fry Beef: 4-5
  • Stew Meat: 3-5 pounds
  • Soup Bones: 6-8 pounds



How do I store it?

Most families will need a freezer to store the meat once it arrives. We recommend 3-5 cubic feet to store a mixed quarter. You can find chest freezers ranging from 5-7 cubic feet at most major appliance stores for $150-250.